Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Call in Sick Without Putting Your Job at Risk

How to Call in Sick Without Putting Your Job at Risk Calling in sick has almost fallen out of fashion. Ever heard of â€Å"presenteeism†? That’s the idea that really committed employees come to work no matter what- even when they shouldn’t. Don’t buy into this theory–there are definitely  legitimate reasons for calling in sick from time to time. Follow these rules to make sure you’re using this rare privilege appropriately.1. If you’re really sick,  please stay home.If you have a virulent new cold- or the flu- or any other highly contagious situation, STAY HOME. You won’t be productive, and you could get other people sick and then take down everyone’s productivity. Stay home for a day or two and come back refreshed. Your team will thank you.Oh, and a hangover does not count. Have an aspirin and some coffee and get your butt to work. You can’t call in â€Å"bad choices.†2. Protect your mental health.If you really need a mental health day, take one. Try sche duling in advance to avoid leaving your colleagues in the lurch. If you need to take one spontaneously, it can be okay to use a sick day. A simple â€Å"stomach bug† ought to do the trick, without requiring you to invent many details. Tickets to something cool don’t count as reasons to take a mental health day, by the way. Keep it legit.3. Assess the number of sick days to take.Does your job even give sick days? It’s a sad world when we have to ask this question, but if you don’t have any sick time, or you’ll be taking a pay cut by staying home, you’ll have to be even more discerning making your day-of decision. But again, if you’re contagious- especially if you work for the elderly or in food service- you just might have to stay home.4. Follow the rules.Remember that employee handbook you got on hiring? Look up the protocol for whom to notify and how to set up an away message on your voice and email. Make sure the chain of command is notified. Protect yourself from scrutiny. When in doubt, think about how your boss and coworkers have reacted to others calling in sick, and try to make it as uncomplicated on yourself as possible.5. Make it easy for your team.If you routinely do good and thorough work, keep your team updated, and keep all shared files and resources updated and ready for anyone to jump in and use, then taking a sick day won’t ruin anyone else’s week. Make a habit of keeping your tasks in order and dotting all your ‘i’s at the end of every day. This will make it easier for you to tag out for one day when you’re really suffering.6. Take care of your family.If you have a sick kid at home, stay home and take care of them if you can. Or if your spouse or aging parent needs urgent care, make that a priority. Most workplaces will be tolerant of a few of these emergency situations per year- just make sure you don’t abuse the privilege. Only take it when you have to and it’s legit.7. Be smart and safe.If there’s a hurricane or blizzard or monsoon out there and you don’t have a safe and ready way to work, it’s okay to stay home. Don’t put yourself in bodily danger navigating dodgy roads to get to work. That said, if the weather isn’t seriously dangerous, you should just suck it up. Sometimes it rains.8. Understand that things happen.If your toilet explodes, or you have a job interview, or something else emergent comes up, it’s okay to call in sick. Just make sure you have a really good reason and that you don’t pull this trick too often. Take care of yourself, but be sure to also take care of your job.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Multiple Intelligence Essays

Multiple Intelligence Essays Multiple Intelligence Essay Multiple Intelligence Essay Howard Gardner’s ideas on multiple intelligences have had most appeal in the classroom where they confirm what teachers know from their everyday experience, namely that pupils have different skills and capabilities. The theory can be used to discuss what we mean when we describe people as being intelligent’, able’, gifted’, talented’ or clever’ to remind students that everyone is good at some things and has difficulty with others.Gardner is extremely critical of traditional school systems, which he says are based on outdated models that regard intelligence as fixed and general. He also believes that schools place far too great an emphasis on logical/mathematical and verbal/linguistic intelligences and in doing so fail to develop other talents and capacities of young people. Multiple intelligences provide a wide variety of identifiable areas of knowledge and skills beyond the traditional verbal and numerical to include the personal, social and creative.By focusing on these and other intelligences, pupils can more easily discover that they have strengths and use the resulting gains in confidence to develop those areas in which they are not so strong. Multiple intelligences can be used as a conceptual framework for organizing and reflecting on the curriculum. Teachers can use the theory of multiple intelligences to get to know each pupil’s dominant strengths and areas for development.In applying theories of intelligence in the classroom, it is important that teachers do not categorize or compartmentalize learners, but instead recognize that pupils are s trong in some aspects of intelligence and less strong in others. All young people should be provided with learning opportunities that help to nurture and develop their talents and abilities, and assessment methodologies should reflect the multiple nature of intelligence.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Difference and effect between chinese and american parenting Research Paper

Difference and effect between chinese and american parenting - Research Paper Example These two approaches are different but the same cannot be said of the effects that emanate from them. As puzzling as this may sound, the Americans who handle their children with gentleness and the Chinese who tend to be somewhat harsh eventually achieve a similar goal. According to Yates (p.3), the Chinese adapt to the culture of shaming and manipulating children and many times the children adapt to the environment. Similarly, the Americans apply their own tactic of encouraging a child even when there is evident disappointment. In both cases, the parents are aiming at the same goal, which is to improve the student, but applying differing tactics. Worth distinguishing at this point is that manipulative parenting is not similar to authoritarian since the latter tends to motivate a child with fear while the former with challenges. Whereas some have argued that children brought up through authoritarian tend to be well behaved, Porter (p.543) claims these children tend to be less-resourceful and poor self-image. The American parent hardly uses this approach but some Chinese parents have applied. Instead, it is recommended that parents apply either the authoritative or permissive. These two approaches allow parents to set standards for children but in the permissive case, the parent avoids enforcing the standards. An authoritative parent will set standards enforce them but portray a very high level of nurturing the child (Oreilly & Candida p.4). Upon failing to meet a certain task, a Chinese mother will most likely insult or deny the child perceived rights. In contrast, the American will give the child, appreciate first before commenting on the need to improve. A recent book by a renowned author, Amy Chua, seems to suggest that children tend to respond more to threats and denial of what they consider luxurious. The effect of this approach by the Chinese parent

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Write a 500 word essay based on the issue of ways in which the - 1

Write a 500 word based on the issue of ways in which the internet has changed political interactions globally(arab spring) - Essay Example University students used Facebook to urge their colleagues to rise against the government. This passing of information could not have happened in the past few years. The invention of voice over internet protocol (VoIP) allowed calls to be done on the internet. Sentiments and anger were expressed through the internet. Personal posts on social media like Facebook and Tweeter had a profound effect on society. Emails were also sent to people constantly. Through the use of smart phones, emails were forwarded within the warring society. Emails allow people to get access to detail information unlike the short message services on the normal cell phones Through the Skype, people made calls to their relatives and asked for ideas and information concerning the uprising. In some countries, journalists were updated through the use of Skype because it was too dangerous to be on the ground. People were interviewed by media houses though this Skype feature. This exposed to the rest of the world what the situation was like on the ground. Videos of the excessive use of force by the government troops were posted on website. This was done by suffering citizens from their hideouts. Most of these images were captured by the use of cell phone camera and video recorders. People standing on the balconies of their house or peeping through the widows were able to capture some of the atrocities propagated by these dictatorial regimes. It is hard to imagine what would happen if the internet was none existent. In particular, the use of cell phone with 3G internet features allowed people to access any part of the world even when there were state imposed curfews. The social media carried more information than the mainstream media. Many journalists followed tweets to get information on the latest events. Many people fail to classify cell phones and part of internet phenomenon. Some cell phones act as hotspots where they receive and send data and information as long

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Aristotle & Socrates Essay Example for Free

Aristotle Socrates Essay Philosophy comes from the Greek roots meaning â€Å"the love of wisdom. † Philosophers are persons who have a compelling need to pursue wisdom. Since the beginning of time, wise man and women have dedicated themselves to asking â€Å"Big Questions†. Depending on the questions, there are various areas of philosophy including metaphysics, epistemological, axiology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, social philosophy, and logic. Homework Make a â€Å"Creative† representation of someone (fictional or real) you consider a wise person. Be prepared to present it in class and explain what characteristics make a person wise. Archetypes Archetypes are basic images that represent our conception of the essence of a certain kind of person. usually considered to be shared by all of humanity throughout time. Philosophical archetypes are philosophers who express an original or influential point of view in a way that significantly affects subsequent philosophers and non-philosophers. Western philosophy has been dominated by males of European ancestry. Relativism- Relativism is the belief that knowledge is determined by specific qualities of the observer. In other words, absolute (universal) knowledge of the truth is impossible; â€Å"one opinion is as good as another†. Philosophy week 2 Pre- Socratic philosophy: Asian sages and the sage The Sage The sage is an archetypal fig. Who combines religious inspiration with a love of wisdom? Found in ancient Asia, they are the oldest philosophical archetypes, identifying happiness and teaching the good life. Asian cosmology is not based on empirical (numbers, data, statistics) or scientific evidence. It contends (argues) that everything is working  harmoniously, following the Tao (Force or flow of energy in life), or the â€Å"path† or the â€Å"way† There is no separation between heaven and earth, divine and human, but is working together; all is one reality containing yin and yang. Yin represents earth, weakness, darkness, negative, and destruction. Yang represents heaven, strength, light, positive and construction. One cannot live without the other, keeping the universe in balance. Think Lao-tzu Confucius Siddhartha Gautama The Sophists (Meaning Wise in Greek) First professional educators, Charged fee to teach. Argued that the difference between a good and bad argument is custom and individual preference, nothing is bad or good in nature. They argued for relativism, both cultural and individual. Journal 3 Read pages 59-60 Reflect upon ways you have been a victim of ethnocentrism. Reflect upon ways you are ethnocentric Reflect ways America is ethnocentric. Since 911. The Person Socrates (470-399 B. C. E) was the first major western philosopher. He wrote no philosophy and what we know of him comes chiefly from his pupils Plato and Xenophon. Socrates challenged the sophists doctrines of relativism and moral realism he often taught that beauty and goodness determined by utility (If it serves a purpose) His Teachings Socrates is most famous for his style of philosophical inquiry known as the Socratic Method or dialectic. Education is supposed to draw knowledge out of you instead of riding with you like an empty vessel. Among his teachings, his most persistent command was know you. Believing an unexamined life was not worth living, he saw himself as a kind of â€Å"Physician of the soul. † He believed that the real person is not the body, but the physics-mind-soul. Journal 5 Read the trial and death of Socrates on pages 110-115 How does death and his art of dying relate to his teachings History Plato was a member of the Athenian aristocracy and Socrates’s most favorite and important student Athenian democracy was irrational mob rule. Founded famous academy to educate wise rulers In Plato’s metaphysics, the highest level of reality consists of timeless â€Å"essences† called forms. Platonic forms are independently existing, noncapital â€Å"some-things† Plato divided reality into to two world’s dualism. The highest level of reality is eternal and changeless being. The other is the evolving physical world, known as the coming According to Plato the sophists could not discover truth because they were preoccupied with the world of ever changing perceptions and customs. For Plato the chief distinction between knowledge and opinion is that knowledge is fixed, absolute and eternally true. Whereas opinion is unanchored and changeable. According to plait opinion lives in the realm of becoming truth and knowledge are found on the level of being. The Divided line 133-135. The simile of the sun 135-137 The Allegory of the cvae137-139 The divided line A+B= World of Forms (Being, Knowledgeable) C+D= Physical world (Becoming Opinion) Metaphysics | Epistemology(study of knowledge) | Higher Forms(Example: the good) | A: Understanding | Lower Forms(Example: Form human) | B: Reasoning | Sensible Objects (Example: Mother Teresa) | C. Perception | Images(Example: Mother Teresas Photograph) | D. Imagination | Simile of the sun Plato compared the absolute form of the good to the sun; the good makes the existence of everything else possible. The good cannot t be observed by the five senses and can be known only by pure thought or intelligence. It is the source of both the value and the existence of all other forms. Allegory of the cave In the allegory for the cave, Plato categorized three levels of awareness by referring to three distinct levels of reality: two levels of becoming and one ultimate level of being. Lowest Level: No imagination or perception Informed level: Wider range of basic understanding. Awakening Highest level: Soul has no need for perception or interpretation. The Republic (Socrates book for perfect utopia) Plato agreed that there is a reciprocal relationship between the individual and the kind of society in which he or she lives. The ideal state, for Plato, meets three basic characteristics 1) Nourishing needs, 2) Protection needs 3) Ordering needs These needs are best met by three classes: Workers, Warriors, Guardians or Philosopher – Kings. The republic contrasts two views of morality. The instrumental theory of morality asserts that right and wrong must be determined by the consequences our actions produce. The functionalist theory of morality holds that right and wrong can only be understood in terms of the way they affect our overall functioning as human beings. According to Plato, the just state functions fully; the unjust state is dysfunctional, only when all classes of people are virtuous according to their natures is the state whole, healthy, balanced and just. In order to be a just human being, balanced. Virtuous. temperance, courage, wisdom, justice(essence and balance of the soul) Plato thought the worst kind of Gov. was a tyranny. And democracy was a tyranny. Democracy makes little tyrants out of everybody. Journal 6 According to Plato’s philosophy, please answer these questions: Carefully explain the relationship of the individual to the state in Platos Republic. Why is the relationship significant? What does Plato see as the most unjust type of person and state? Do you agree? Explain. Explain the origin and nature of democracy according to plan. Aristotle The person Aristotle was Platos most illustrious student and went on to be the personal tutor of Alexander the great. He eventually created his own school called the lyceum. In contrast to Plato, Aristotle introduced the idea of naturalistic or scientific knowledge gained from collecting facts and usual factual info to make the world a better place. Aristotle was a naturalist. Naturalism if the belief that reality consists of the natural world and that the universe is ordered. Everything follows discoverable laws of nature. His Philosophy Aristotle believed that form and matter can be intellectually separated but cannot live independently in reality. The form of something is called its essence. Matter is the common physical material stuff but it has no distinct characteristics without a form. Aristotelian form is that which is in matter and makes thing is what that is. So, individual things are â€Å"formed matter. † Aristotle argued that complete understanding of a thing required identifying its â€Å"four causes. † 1st cause: Material cause, the material thing is made of Cause: formal cause. The form the thing takes cause: Efficient cause, the triggering motion that begins the thing Cause: Final cause, the Telis, or the ultimate purpose for which the thing exists. In living things, Aristotle called the final cause, Entelechy, meaning having its purpose within. He believed every living thing had an â€Å"inner urge† or a drive to become its unique self. He believed nature was ordered and guided internally. Journal 7 Consider the quotes on page 153. Please write a few paragraphs for each one describing what they mean to you and how they relate to you. For Aristotle, psyche or soul is the form of the body. Soul is entelechy. Like every other instance of form and matter, for Aristotle the soul cant be separated from the body and its body and its impossible to affect the body without also affecting the soul or to affect the soul without affecting the body. Aristotle taught that humans had a hierarchy of three kinds of souls, each higher level containing the aspects of the lower levels: 1st level: Lowest soul called vegetative or Nutritive, responsibility for absorption 2nd Level: the sentient or sensitive soul, registers all info regarding form of other things. 3rd Level: Highest Soul found in humans only, called rational soul, and includes the other two plus the capabilities for analysis, understanding relationships and decision-making. According to Aristotle the good is that which all things aim. It is their entelechy Eudemonia which often translated to happiness means being really alive rather than just existing. According to Aristotle happiness requires activity good habits and practical wisdom. Aristotelian moderation is based on the concept of wisdom hitting the mark between too much and not enough Virtue consists of hitting the mark or the mean but vice consist of being off by too much (excess) or too little (Deficiency) Journal 8 Read pages 172-176 Explain the importance of hitting the mark and character to Aristotle’s concept of happiness What is the principle of meaning? Philosophy study guide Academy- Alexander the Great An Unexamined Life Aristotelian Forms Aristotle’s Hierarchy of souls Aristotle’s Idea of a Good life Aristotle’s Teacher Entelechy Hitting the mark Lyceum Naturalism Plato’s 3 classes of people Plato’s feelings toward democracy Democracy Plato’s four cardinal virtues Plato’s teacher Platonic Forms Simile of the sun Socrates Death sentence Temperance The republic Three levels of human souls Tyranny journal 1 Wisdom | Knowledge | Theoretical Knowledge | Practical Knowledge | Belief | Mere Belief | Willed Ignorance | Definition and Examplesjournal 2 Write how each of the eight paths are relevant in today’s world journal 4 · Socrates’ â€Å"electric shock† effect on Athens resulted in death, however it gave him a place in history as a great thinker wise sage. From pages 87-95, read each quote in the margins · Please write the quote that shocks you and Reflect upon its meaning to you. Absolute truth is â€Å"Truth† with a capital T. What do we know so far? Modern Philosophy(How do you know that it’s true? ) After Christianity began to grow, most Europeans turned to god as the ultimate source of wisdom and the church as the ultimate authority. However, by the 17th century scientific ad advancements and the decline of the authority of a single church began the era of modern philosophy. It was a shift from metaphysics to epistemology. Rene Descartes(1596-1650) is the father of philosophy. He came up with rationalism. Dcccd. edu then go to student services, then libraries. 3 ears of Western Philosophy- 1 Classical, what is truth? essentialism; Modern- How do you know it’s true? Rationalism; Rationalism is the epistemological position in which reason is said to be the primary source of all knowledge. Rationalist believe in the coherence theory of truth: that new or unclear ideas should be evaluated in terms of rational or logical consistency and in relation to already established truth. Rationalism says that abstract reasoning can produce absolutely certain truths about reality and that some truths can be discovered without observation, experiment or experience. These truths are innate ideas or a priori ideas. A priori can be known without experience or experiment but Posteriori ideas are derived from experience and experiment. However he arrived at the cogito, ergo sum, latin for â€Å"I think, therefore I am. † This, along with a satisfactory belief in god, stood as his undoubtable truth. Journal 9 Please do the philosophical queries(Green Boxes) on pgs. 252 and 253 Jeremy Bentham- resurrected hedonism, in direct response to the conservative ruling class in Britain. The result he created the â€Å"greatest happiness† principle also known as the Principle of Utility, that states we should always act to promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Benthams hedonic calculus was a crude method of reducing stress to simple calculation of units of pleasure versus units of pain. Psychological hedonism- pain and pleasure determine what we shall do Ethical hedonism- pain and pleasure point to what we ought to do. Bentham extended the ethical reach of the pleasure principle beyond the human community to any creature with the capacity to suffer. He argued that insisting that animals lack moral worth was akin to racism. John stuart mill He believed that there is an empirical basis supporting his claim that refined pleasures to crude ones. Mill disagreed with Bentham that all motives are egotistic and based his more refined philosophy in the social feelings of all people for unity with each other. Mill believed in the possibility of altruism, the capacity to promote wellbeing of others, he argued that the lack of altruistic feelings and ignorance of the higher pleasures were products of poor education and harsh conditions, not quality of human nature. According to mill, the selfishness and lack of mental cultivation are the chief causes of unhappiness, and can be cured with a proper education and legislation.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kim Campbell :: Biography

In a democracy, government isn't something that a group of people do TO everybody else, it's not even something they do FOR every body else, it should be something they do WITH everybody else. "Kim Campbell, March 25th, 1993 Avril Phaendra Douglas Campbell was born in Port Albeni, B.C. SHortly after her birth her parents moved to Vancouver where her father was studying law. Her family life didn't turn out to be succesful, so her parents divorced when she was 12. By the age of 13 she changed her name to Kim. She was always on top in her Prince Of Wales Secondary school and she marked the begining of her political career by being the first female student president. In 1964, Kim went to the University Of British Columbia where she topped in Political Science. There again she was elected to be the first female freshman president. After graduation, she took some graduate courses at The Institute of International Relations, before she got a scholarship to London School Of Economics. She returned to Vancouver in 1973 and began lecturing at Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Community College. In 1980 she returned to University of British Columbia to study law, at the same time she got involved in local politics. Later in 1983 she got elected into Vancouver School Board as a chairsperson. Her status caught the attension of the governing at that time Social Credit party and they asked her to run as a candidate in 1984 provincial elections. Even though she lost she was offered a job as a policy advisor to B.C. Premier Bill Bennett. When Bennett resigned in 1989, Kim ran for a provincial leader Bill Vander Zalm. In the electionthat year she won a seat in legislature. Here she made herself recognized for opposing premier's views on abortion. By 1988 Campbell was praised by the Conservative party. Conservative''''';;'"??/???s cabinet minister Pat Carney was about to retire, therefore he needed replacement. Kim campbell ran and won the 1988 election. She was offered a positiion as a Minister of State for Indian and Northern Affairs. In 1989 she became the first female Minister of Justice. She prooved herself again as a politician. She introduced a bill overlooking gun laws. The 1989 Montreal massive killing forced her to propose more strict gun laws. Kim Campbell was also praised when Bill C(49) was drafted after the Supreme Court announced the 1983 "'rape sheild' law as unconstitutional.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets: Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper to Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets The podcast of Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets: Meet the Experts titled Teaching Reading demonstrated the importance of teaching children to read right the first time. According to Hunter (2008) reading is the first civil right because without being able to read well and strategically, one is unable to access his or her other civil rights and that teaching children to read is a schools first mission. Children need to be reading at grade level or above before completing the third grade (Hunter, 2008). I agree with Hunter’s statement that good is not good enough when we can do better. Teaching children to read is one area where we cannot afford to settle for good, we must strive for best. Reading is a fundamental skill that is necessary for all future learning. Hunter (2008) discussed the need to use the research and not teach with the method that he or she feels is the right thing. Teachers need to be able to read and evaluate research to find what will be of value and has creditable in classroom instruction. Teachers must be committed to being a lifelong learner. Learning must then be incorporated into the classroom teaching practices. Stanovich & Stanovich (2003) contend that â€Å"scientific research about what works does not usually find its way into most classrooms. † Teachers must be committed to making proven methods a part of their daily instruction techniques. According to Hunter (2008) the best schools use the proven research methods in their classroom. Taylor (2002) referenced the following characteristics of teachers who are effective in teaching children to read: Maintaining instructional balance, spark higher-level thinking by discussing what was read, teach how to transfer skills and strategies to independent reading, coaching as children are reading and writing, foster a sense of responsibility in children for their own learning, provide motivating instruction with many opportunities for reading and writing, teachers have high expectations that their pupils can do well, manage their classroom, foster strong parent relationships. If one agrees with Hunter that our children deserve the best in reading education, then one must develop the best characteristics in ones teaching style. Just as it is best to teach reading right the first time, it is best to start out on the right path using proven methods than to try to correct latter. References Hunter Phyllis, (2008). Phyllis Hunter (Teaching Reading). Reading Rockets present Meet the Experts. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. readingrockets. org/podcasts/experts Taylor, B. M. (2002). Characteristics of teachers that are effective in teaching all children to read. National Education Association. Retrieved September 2, 2008. Stanovich, P. J. , & Stanovich, K. E. (2003). Using Research and Reason in Education. National Institute for Literacy. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. nifl. gov/partnershipforreading/

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Effects of Peer Pressure Essay

Everyone wants to belong , to be accepted . This is a major reason why teenagers feel pressurized to go along with what others are doing the so called peer pressure. Teenagers are going through tremendous physical and emotional changes as they change from childhood to young adults . There are new responsibilities to be faced , exams to be taken and of course new relationships to be faced . There is rebellion against the rules and ideas that parents impose and so they flock together almost in desperation in some cases. As young people spend more time with their peers outside the family home there are opportunities to do things that they haven ‘t done before such as trying out substances – drugs , alcohol and so on . Young people at this stage in their lives often feel very insecure – are the changes that are happening to them normal ? Why haven ‘t they got bigger breasts a longer penis , a boy /girl friend and all the rest ? They may even be unsure of their sexual orientation By giving in to peer pressure and uniting in a common `uniform ‘ whether of clothing or language they feel stronger and more normal , and meeting with others going through similar problems reinforces their egos , even though this may go against the norms of society in general. As they mature , obtain jobs , move away from the area in which they grew up perhaps , the effects of peer pressure will diminish . see more:essay on peer pressure They will hopefully realize that misusing drugs is not a good thing . Gradually , as they become surer of themselves , most people feel able to make their own decisions as to which music they prefer , clothes to be worn , even their opinions on world issues will be less affected by what their friends think or do . They will make their own decisions about taking drugs or getting drunk . They will feel accepted for who they are , what they are capable of , and though peer pressure continues to affect most people to some extent its effects tend to lessen as maturity occurs†¦ Peer pressure has a very strong influence on our decisions; so it is capable of bringing about great change, whether it’s for the good or the bad of the situation or person. Peer pressure exists for all ages. Pre-teens and teenagers face many issues related to conformity and peer pressure. They are pulled between the desire to be seen as individuals of unique value and the desire to belong to a group where they feel secure and accepted. The result is that often teens reject family or general society values, while feeling pressure to conform rigidly to the values of their peer Your peers are the people with whom you identify and spend time. In children and teens, they are usually, but not always, of the same age group. In adults, peers may be determined less by age and more by shared interests or professions. Peer pressure occurs when an individual experiences implied or expressed persuasion to adopt similar values, beliefs, and goals, or to participate in the same activities as those in the peer group. Peer groups have so much influence, especially with adolescents, because, nomatter how inappropriate it seems to adults, belonging to a group really doesgive something significant to the young person. Peer groups provide a placewhere children feels accepted, where they can feel good about themselves, andwhere their self-esteem is enhanced. Some psychologists also point out thatlife become simpler when we conform to expectations. Young people tend to gravitate toward other young people with the same problems and in the same situations as themselves and where they feel they will be understood and accepted.There is a very, very strong need to satisfy that thirst for unity and for acceptance. The feeling of belonging is a very powerful force that can outweigh ties to church, school, family, or community. In addition to the feeling of belonging and not being alone or socially isolated, some characteristics that peer groups offer which make them attractive and that families may lack are: (1) a strong belief structure; (2) a clear system of rules; and (3) communication and discussion about taboo subjects suchas drugs, sex, and religion. Read more:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Steps for Strong Time Management for College Students

Steps for Strong Time Management for College Students Within the first few days of starting college, many students quickly learn that managing their time is one of the most challenging and difficult aspects of being in school. With so much to do and keep track of, strong time management skills can make all the difference. Get and Use a Calendar It can be a paper calendar. It can be your cell phone. It can be a PDA. It can be a bullet journal. No matter what kind it is, though, make sure you have one. Write Down Everything Write down everything in one place. (Having multiple calendars just gives you more to do amidst an already tight schedule.) Schedule when you plan to sleep, when you are going to do your laundry, and when youre going to call your parents. The crazier your schedule gets, the more important this becomes. Schedule Time to Relax Dont forget to schedule in time to relax and breathe. Just because your calendar goes from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. doesnt mean you can. Keep Trying New Systems If your cell phone calendar isnt big enough, buy a paper one. If your paper one keeps getting torn, try a PDA. If you have too many things written down each day, try color-coding to help simplify. Very few college students make it through their programs without some kind of calendaring system; keep trying until you find one that works for you. Allow for Flexibility Things inevitably come up that you werent expecting. You may not have known that your roommates birthday is this week, and you certainly dont want to miss the celebrations! Leave room in your calendar so that you can move things around a little when needed. Plan Ahead Do you have a large research paper due the last week of the semester? Work backward in your calendar and figure out how much time you need to write it, how much time youll need to research it, and how much time youll need to pick your topic. If you think youll need six weeks for the entire project, work backward from the due date and schedule the time into your calendar before its too late. Plan for the Unexpected Sure, you just might be able to pull off two papers and a presentation during midterms week. But what happens if you catch the flu the night youre supposed to be pulling the all-nighter? Expect the unexpected so you dont have to spend more unplanned time trying to fix your mistakes. Schedule Rewards In Your midterms week is a nightmare, but it will all be over Friday by 2:30. Schedule a fun afternoon and a nice dinner out with some friends; your brain will need it, and you can relax knowing that youre not supposed to be doing anything else.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Grasmicks Low Self-Control Scale Essays

Grasmicks Low Self-Control Scale Essays Grasmicks Low Self-Control Scale Essay Grasmicks Low Self-Control Scale Essay According to the University of Oklahoma website, Dr. Grasmick has been publishing articles since 1974 and is still continuing his research on his theories on criminal deviance and its deterrents. The website indicates that â€Å"he is credited with creating the â€Å"Grasmick’s Low Self-Control Scale†, which is used to measure self-control in criminal deviants † Grasmicks scale is being employed in most studies and dissertations under the subject of Criminal Justice. John McMullen wrote a dissertation on the topic which is entitled â€Å"A Test of Self-control Theory Using General Patterns of Deviance. † He employed Grasmicks Low Self-Control Scale in his survey instruments to derive his results for the study. The scale measures six separate aspects of self control. The scale consists of 24 total items, divided evenly into â€Å"simple tasks, impulsivity, physical activities, risk seeking, self- centered, and temper sub-components. Respondents were asked to report whether they â€Å"strongly agree,† â€Å"agree,† â€Å"disagree,† or â€Å"strongly disagree† to each individual item. He described the concept of self- control in reference to Gottfredson and Hirschis General Theory of Crime, by stating that â€Å"Individuals who possess the low self-control trait are more likely to become involved in criminal, deviant, and accidental behaviors than those who possess high levels of self-control † (McMullen, 1999, p. 6). In terms of reliability, McMullen mentions that on the basis of empirical support and extensive testing, the scale was very suitable for use in his sample age group. : He also comments that: â€Å"the most convincing argument for using this scale comes from Piquero and Rosay (1998:170), who concluded that, â€Å"it appears the scale can be an acceptable scale in terms of tapping into the components alluded to by Gottfredson and Hirschi† (McMullen, 1999, p. 35). References McMullen, J. C. (1999). A Test of Self-control Theory Using General Patterns of Deviance. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University .

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Designing a database to manage references for a protein structure data Essay

Designing a database to manage references for a protein structure data set using MySQL - Essay Example The database should be able to perform frequent searches on structure resolution, author name and initials, institution name, and structure release date. It should also be able to frequently retrieve the information about journal articles, PDB code, and name of given protein structures. It should be able provide data in specified order for example, as per the resolution, or as per the number of articles and institution, or both resolution and number of articles and institution, or even as per a specified institution, etc. The database is for storing and managing data regarding macromolecular structures that are partly derived from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The data is provided by organizations that deposit, process, and distribute the information about protein sequences. Due to the complexity of this data care needs to be taken to ensure minimum data errors like missing data, size, alignment, propagation, ambiguity, and labeling. The application should be designed such that, on a user level it provides data management across the various database domains shared, by using a schema that allows the required data processing. The data should be retrieved, modified, and saved from tables using queries. The data is manipulated through applications that access the database in the database management system. The data model of the database defines data structure and behavior. Different aspects of the database are considered for creating models such as logical and physical model diagrams. It also gives detailed specifications of the attributes, rows and columns for tables, and files used to populate the database. 2. Logical schema of the database The logical model is used to document the data. The defined schema components represent the navigation in the schema diagram. The logical schema is constructed as a model independent of the management system and other physical considerations. The logical schema for the relational database design of the current database can be derived using normalization. Applying the normalization methods such as 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF obtains the physical schema result. 2.1 The Tables and their normalization process I. 1st Normal form (1NF): Table : Article Here, the entity Article has multiple authors as more than one people can author one articleabout various protein data structures. Therefore, to reduce redundancy by normalization 2NF is performed. II. 2nd Normal form (2NF): Table : Article Here, the entity Authors with its attributes have been created for the articles written by them. To further reduce redundancy, 3NF is performed. III. 3rd Normal form (3NF): Table : Article Here, the protein table has been created for the entity Protein to reduce the redundancy. This was because the attribute for Authors had redundancy regarding the protein structure; many authors can work on the same protein structure and therefore this was necessary. The logical structure of a database can be given graphically using an entity relationship (E-R) diagram. 2.1.1 Entity-Relationship diagram Attributes that are common to all domains belong

Friday, November 1, 2019

HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

HRM - Essay Example In Saudi Arabia, this system is referred to as ‘Bareed’. Up until a couple of years ago, Saudi Post did not have an addressing system in accordance with the international conventions. To improve efficiency, they decided to use global standards for postal system. Therefore, they created a unified national addressing system and set up postal codes for the entire kingdom. Using Global Information system, they set up an addressing system that is scalable as well as efficient. At present, Saudi Post has a very efficient network that spans across all the cities and villages of the country. It has 478 main post offices and 180 branch post offices. This study aims to look at the delay caused in second-class mail delivery system and the loss of mail of the Saudi Postal System that is also known as Saudi Post. For many years, the users of Saudi Post have battled issues of delayed delivery or loss of mail sent by second-class. This study explores the various methods through which t he Human Resources development can improve the efficient of the second-class mail delivery system. It also looks at the various training methods that can be put to use by the HR deport to ensure timely and safe delivery of the second-class mail. ... The priority is always given to the first class mails because of the service promised. However, it is also necessary to understand that the second-class mails also need to be delivered within the stipulated timelines. Therefore, quality of mail delivery should correlate to the service that has been promised to the customers. In addition, postal employees also have a very critical role to play to ensure timely delivery. It is necessary to provide adequate training to make sure that they understand the various aspect of mail delivery in accordance to the services. One key issue that has resulted in causing delays is the lack of training that the employees have and it makes them inefficient. The focus should never be restricted to only first-class mails because the other regular mail is neglected and piled up. This also results in loss of mails for some cases. Another challenge that prevents the timely delivery of mails could be that the employees do not follow up on the second-class ma ils in time. Role of Human Resources Human Resources or the HR department plays a very important role in contributing to the efficiency, productivity as well as strength of any organization. HR not only helps in building and training a solid workforce, it has the potential to carry out process improvements and build an agile organization that is respected for the way in which can better respond to the demands of the customer or the market. HR also has the potential to provide its employees with strategic tools as well as support system to enable them to perform their work efficiently. Human resource management can be defined as the understanding as well as the application of the different processes, policies as well as methodology that have an impact on the